The Dream of A White Rose

I know it's not Valentines Day
but it's just around the corner...

What’s Your Rose?

I was recently watching Beauty and the Beast mostly because I am missing someone and it reminds me of him. That’s when I had a thought about the enchanted rose in the movie; roses in general, their symbolism and why I find myself drawn to them? You see if you know me you know that I am not a flower person don’t get me wrong I love a beautiful garden but I’ve use to hate and still kinda do hate getting flowers from my boyfriend or friends. I love the gesture, thought, effort, that goes into them but I always became sad because I couldn’t keep them alive. They were a gift of love and thoughtfulness but the flowers always die.

It makes me sad because I would look at the flowers and think. “Is this what happens to love, it blossoms then dies?” I love roses and by all means I would love a silk rose or fake rose because the meaning effort and gesture is the same but the love and meaning behind the rose or gesture won’t physically die. It will last forever if you hold onto it. That got me thinking about Beauty and the Beast, the cursed rose the witch’s spell that the Beast had to find true love before the last rose peddle dropped. It was symbolizing that if he wants love, true love he has to be able to be vulnerable and open to the one he desires for her to see him and fall in love with the real him. The Beast’s own emotional torture was his shallowness about his own self-image and that of a woman’s shallowness would be the same as his because how ugly he is or feels. Looks were everything to the Beast but not to Belle (Yes, Belle is very attractive and that’s a hole different rant).

The curse took the Beasts hope his chances of ever finding love was lost but his drive to become the prince he was became his hope. Though once he got to know Belle that all changed. The emotional hope, optimism, wish, desire to find true love, hoping he was worthy of her love as much as he knew he was worthy of her if she gave him a chance. But also he doubted it too because you don’t think someone will love you for who you truly are, it’s what’s inside a person that counts. Being able to love their actions, to know how they not only receive love but how they love. That can get tricky because you don’t necessarily feel loved but you are. You just need to learn the language of each others love and be willing to be open to share how you receive and give love, along with lots of understanding. (Something I’m always learning).

Back to the thing I disagree with, the color they used for the enchanted rose in Beauty and the Beast. The reason for it is because the beast was looking for love (represented by a red rose in the film, but for the wrong reasons originally) When the Beast loved he wanted to be loved in return. The red rose symbolizes love, passion and a few more but has only two meanings; “I love you” and “Job well done.” But that wasn’t the question the Beast was ultimately asking himself once he knew he was in love with Belle.

We are all capable of love I believe that, I believe love is Magical on ways we will never truly understand but strive to have time in our lives for it or struggle to make the time even if what you want scares you the most. For some including myself we question at times; “Are we worthy of love?” This hole little random thought came from the color of the rose in Beauty and the Beast and the specific meanings of a single rose given.

I know I am worthy of love but is there someone willing to tell me they are worth it. Instead of having a negative self image about themselves saying they aren’t worth the trouble aren’t worth the love I have to offer. To accept me for all my skeletons, baggage, insecurities, anxiety, lack of confidence at times, go luckiness, enthusiasm, passion, loyalty, faithfulness, honesty, devotion. As I accept and love him for everything he has been, everything that he is, and everything that he is yet to be. The rose I thought should have been used in Beauty and the Beast was white rose.

When I would give my boyfriend a flower it was a red rose because I am telling him I love him and if it was at the end of a performance yes I was also telling him “Job well done.” He would give me a red rose too (all are fake because of allergies and we don’t like the fact they die on us). But honestly the rose I would love to receive especially when times are tough and I’m looking for hope. My personal favorite rose is the white rose. A white rose symbolizes a lot; purity, innocence, silence, secrecy, reverence humility, youthfulness, heavenly…but a white rose means only one thing unlike the red. A single white rose is telling the receiver “I am worthy of you.”

To have someone know you that deeply in your heart, even if they can’t read you at times nor you them. Though that is why love is terrifying and why it’s an adventure a dangerous one at that because your heart is at risk, but if you are in love with someone and come out of left field they still know you love them and you know they love you. It’s hard it’s confusing sometimes you can’t wrap your head around things but just have to jump in without thinking, knowing you can get hurt.

To receive a white rose from that man. Having that much confidence in himself and in us well, I can guarantee you happy tears would run down my face, honestly so many women doubt they are worthy of love. If you do love someone and are unsure what to get someone for Valentines Day or even get yourself if you’re alone. I suggest a white rose. Because so many doubt they are worthy of TRUE LOVE and yes we dream of hearing it from someone to tell us (or maybe just me) we are worth it. If you are trying to achieve the impossible mix eleven roses that are white and blue. Blue is to achieve the impossible the unattainable while still letting them know they are loved and worthy of your love. Why eleven roses you may ask? Eleven roses tells the receiver they are truly deeply loved by the giver.

If you're wondering what rose colors mean/represent, the mixing of roses and the quantity because you believe in symbolism or if you're just curious on the meaning. Also if you'd like to explain it to the one you give them to and why. This is a great link:


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