First Trials of Space Art
Alright so if you were patiently waiting to see the result of my failure or success (you know what type you are) either way enjoy or ridicule.
This first one I had no plan of action just wanted to put the paint down and do anything and everything I saw from a few videos. NOT the way to go. Having a plan of action and making sure you have a foreground, mid-ground and background is part of the basics of any drawing and painting and well I threw the basics out the window by accident. How by accident do you ask? Well I was really excited and overwhelmed and frankly didn’t care how the first one would turn out. Besides it took WAY to long to do about an hour and a half.
Second one I had a game plan. And frankly I think it shows, is it great personally NO but think it’s better than the last first one and did it in about half the time. The setup took a bit of time but then the rocks took a lot of time more than I was expecting but tried to work fast.
Third is just a space scene tried a couple knew things. Trying to get the gamma rays and a little northern lights effect going. But mostly focused on the color of the planets and how they work with each other and what colors do just being in opposite orders blue then purple or purple then blue it definitely effects the end result.
Now I was just bored and well wanted to paint on a different surface. My drill container became the victim. It looks like a giant over sized lunch box but I love it.
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